Abaco listed among 100 excellent Italian companies in the field of sustainability Giulia 20 October 2022

Abaco listed among 100 excellent Italian companies in the field of sustainability

Abaco Group has been included among Italy's 100 excellent enterprises in the field of sustainability for the second year.

For the second year ABACO has been included among Italy’s  excellent Italian companies in the field of sustainability, winners of the Sustainability Award 2022, promoted by Kon Group and Credit Suisse, with the partnership of Forbes Italia.
The award is dedicated to inprenditorial realities that, thanks to projects and investments in line with ESG principles and objectives, have demonstrated that they pursue inclusive and stable sustainable growth, creating added value for the company and also for the community.

ABACO operates within the framework designed by the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a mission to drive sustainability and innovation in risk management in agriculture, the sector most affected by the impact of climate change.